From Parents and Students:

“Thank you for your help with my essays. You’re the first person I wanted to tell after my parents when I got in!”

GA, Student, Admitted to Johns Hopkins

“Minha has a natural ability with kids.  She quickly identifies strengths and weaknesses and provides the direction and encouragement needed to motivate kids to write their best.”

LY, Parent, Daughter Admitted to UPENN

“Working with Minha on my essays pushed me to keep on exploring myself and my writing, allowing me to become a better writer. Minha has the ability to draw out my personality and the writer in me and help me put it beautifully on paper.”

HS, Student, Admitted to Columbia

““Minha is the teacher you dream of having for your kids, no matter what their age.  She has an exceptionally adaptable approach that inspires excellence, gets kids engaged and expands their thinking.  I can’t think of someone better suited to teaching and inspiring youth than Minha.  Any child would be lucky to have the chance to interact with her.”

RS, Parent, Daughter Admitted to Stanford

“I could not have done it without her.”

EC, Student Admitted to Syracuse

“Minha helped our son think about his writing and write a winning essay. He got into his dream school. Her advice and editing is top-notch. We highly recommend her.”

MP, Parent, Son Admitted to Reed College

“I cannot thank Minha enough for everything she did for me.”

GK, Student, Admitted to Virginia Tech

“Minha helped guide my daughter and strengthen her writing. She teaches powerful skills for life. I highly recommend hiring her.”

JK, Parent, Daughter Admitted to MIT

“I desperately needed help with my essays. It was my first time hiring an editor for this and I had some fear of the unknown. However, Minha was a great help from start to finish. I’m so glad I contacted her… Thank you, Minha. I greatly appreciate your hard work. This wonderful result could not have been achieved without you. Your help made all the difference. Thank you!”

JS, Student, Admitted to Cornell

“We were so lucky to find Minha she helped our daughter organize her college apps and edit her essays. With her help she was accepted to every single college she applied to, more importantly her Early Decision/Dream school. Minha is a wonderful person to work with, she helps students stay focused and highlight their strengths through their essays. As a parent I’m so grateful I was able to find Minha and help ease the application process for my daughter as much as possible. I would highly recommend Minha and her winning essays process!”

NM, Parent, Daughter Admitted to Syracuse

“One of the best editors I know… Minha worked with a foreign student who had great ability but lacked confidence in his writing. With her help, I saw each of his drafts get better and better. His final draft was excellent. He got admitted to his dream school! The transformation I saw in him, not just as a writer, but also as a more confident teenager was incredible. I wish I had known her when I was applying for college!”

JS, College Admissions Network

“When we met Minha, we knew we had found the person we needed to help our son and reduce our stress. She is honest, intelligent and affordable. She communicates well with kids and adults. Moreover, she is calm, knowledgeable and hard working. Her support was invaluable.” 

AB, Parent, Son Admitted to JMU

“Harvard Business School was a dream school for me. I had my doubts about applying and enlisted Minha’s help. She was the ONLY person who gave me the confidence to apply and worked with me editing my essays. Without her encouragement, I may not have applied, been accepted or studied there! Harvard opened doors for me – I got hired at Microsoft and have climbed up the ladder over the years. Aside from the unparalleled learning experience, I also met my husband there and now, we are blessed with three kids! My life would be different today had I not applied. She made me believe in my dreams. I highly recommend her confidence building and editing support.”

LTH, Student Admitted to Harvard Business School

“Minha is responsible about her work and reviews and revises essays thoroughly. She does more than just editing – she provides direction and cares about the person like a parent.”

ES, Parent, Daughter Admitted to Columbia

From Parents about our Writing Tutoring Services for 6th-12th Grade Students:

“Minha has a natural gift with kids.  She incorporated different components in her teaching such as, proverbs, songs and movie clips and made writing more accessible and fun for the kids.  Minha is an educator committed to more than teaching, but more importantly to touching students’ lives.”

LY, Parent, Daughter at Haycock Elementary School

“Working with Minha on my essays pushed me to keep on exploring myself and my writing, allowing me to become a better writer. Minha has the abili“I was looking for someone to help my rising 8th grader with his writing, particularly to teach him how to write five paragraph essays well and take timed essay tests with skill and confidence. Minha has helped him excel far beyond my expectations.” ty to draw out my personality and the writer in me and help me put it beautifully on paper.”

JK, Parent, Son at Longfellow Middle School

“Minha took time to get to know my elementary and middle school-aged daughters’ personalities and habits and taught them to infuse their strengths into their writing. She used philosophy, culture, and fun as an effective backdrop to teaching my girls how to think and express themselves. She significantly increased their overall confidence in writing.”

RS, Parent, Daughters at Haycock Elementary School & Longfellow Middle School

From Individuals seeking Resume Writing & General Editing Help:

“Minha is an essay genie! She has a gift for making words flow smoothly on paper. She has helped me through small and large editing projects. I strongly recommend her work.”

FAQ, Babson College, F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business

“I had experience working for a large company overseas but had been at home raising my daughter for five years. Minha gave me the confidence and guidance I needed to redesign my resume, refresh my cover letter and present my best self. She helped me sharpen my writing and make it strong and crisp. She even gave me articles and books to read on preparing for the interview! I got hired at the first place I applied and love my job. I recommend her services and dedication to help you get where you want to be.” 

OD, World Bank

From Small Businesses and Large Organizations:

“Minha helped make my website more readable, compelling and professional with her keen editing and insightful suggestions. She doesn’t just correct what you write. She acts as a thinking partner and consultant, helping you clarify your intended message in your own mind.”

Dalia Mogahed, Chairman and CEO, Mogahed Consulting, LLC

“Minha Kauser provided excellent editing support for our report on ‘A Review of the Bulgaria School Autonomy Reforms.’ ”

Harry Patrinos, World Bank, Europe and Central Asia Region Human Development Department